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Seed Paper

Food for thought

Emily has explored the art of poetry to disect topics beyond cooking and baking. She hopes her writings may call attention to important issues and aid in understanding and making others feel seen. Trigger warning for talk of self harm, eating disorders, and other heavy topics. Continue at your own discretion.

To Hell and Back

My body is not your art piece.

 My soul crawled through Tartarus and leeched on to your compliments.

 And the cost? The weight of war is unbearable.

 Shoulders ache with burden and new fear cripples my words.

 New vivacious skips trip my rediscovering feet as I dance with my ghost. 

A ghost with plastered smiles and papier-mâché confidence strewn throughout. 

The soul’s string a recycled twine stained with disdain and terror. 

But my soul is mine. 

My heart is stronger now. 

I do not need your critique. 

I do not need your mockery. 

My soul is mine

 and though a stranger may mock me in the mirror, 

The naïve joy of life ihas returned, this time with armor. 


Dear power in the sky,

Dear demon in the ground,

Why did you make me this way?

Spiritless wondries plague incessantly,

No second to breathe.

You raptured my soul

A vulture relentless with hatred


Why did I suffer so? 

I was naive, maybe

But you slithered worms beneath my skin

Maggots festered under the surface of lies

They choke me and deplete me


Why did you make me so?

I fight my marrow, and I'm lost

My heart is too heavy

With lies and fears and tears

Dear demon, 

When will i be okay?

Will i ever be okay?

Take my parasite and let me go

Let me be


Dear demon, 

When will i be okay?

Will i ever be okay?

Take my parasite and let me go

Let me be

Spindling Wheel

Stranger in the Mirror

My life is a spindling wheel

I weave together broken glass

And childhood smiles.


Tick tock, tick tock

Spin the wheel back

Turn out gilded dreams

And strings of peace.


It cuts my fingers 

Irreverent sores.



I dream to knit golden works

Of steadfast self-harmony

Of feats and deeds others envy.


Tick tock, tick tock

It's tarnished with panic.

Spin the wheel back,

And try again.

I walk with new burdens

Shoulders sore from miserable fears

The mirror is my enemy

Who is that?, i wonder

A new smile knocks off the ancient mask


The girl is a stranger

New look

New terrors

New truths

Is it all worth is?






Biggest Fears

Parasite invaded my head

Attacking  my hair with vengeful claws

My soul scarred 

My brain no longer the same

My words are not my own

My actions are your discretion.

Parasite stole those I loved most,

What I most loved in me

I became the monster

Was it even a parasite at all?

​When asked what my biggest fear is,

I say I’m scared of the dark.

Because lying is easier than the truth.


Maybe I could say losing a tooth

Or being eaten by a shark,

But never heights, or knives, or death.


I wonder what you’ll say as I take my last breath.

Because my biggest fear is you will see me,

As I see myself.

And that terrifies me.

Tattle Tale

Tattle Tale, Tattle Tale, why do you pick on me?

Poking and prodding each statement,

Each question,

Each confession. 


Tattle Tale, Tattle Tale, why can’t you let me be?

Go to sleep, put it to rest,

Stop screaming,

Let me be.

Sunny Desires

Today the sun came out.

The flowers blossomed and the cicadas sang.

I smiled today.

Tomorrow it may rain,

Perhaps Mr. Sun will say hello again.

I’m no longer afraid of my friend leaving,

Of the rain washing away cheer and bringing gloom.

Tomorrow it may rain,

But the sun will return again soon.

And I,

I will smile again.


She called me names,

A destitute shell was all she left me

She pulled my hair and unwound my curls

Leaving the fallen as a reminder of my sorrow

She knocked me down and gave me bruises,

And offered no hand to pull me back up.

Her fierce grip held me down.

But her intoxicating beauty made me want her to stay.


Her eyes held water-stained fables,

Her arms held secrets.



Her mind held ominous storms,

Her words seldom held meaning,


White Lighter

Potent gasoline cries down the scratched frame,

Staining her fingers with warning and tears of those lost. 

But the orange glow brings her closer to her heroes.


Her legs feel too heavy to rise and spin,

And her arms cannot find strength through the burning pain.

But the orange glow dances for her when she can not.


As the blazing dance dies down, she wonders,

If she too can be so beautiful, and instantly gone.

So deadly but so needed.

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